Smile Big with


Your Best Smile Ever

Full Dentures are a comprehensive Denture Solution that replace all of your natural teeth, resulting in your brightest, most beautiful smile yet! They are an ideal option for patients with severe tooth damage, decay, or loss, as well as for patients who deal with significant dental pain or difficulty eating. 

Complete Dentures are also the most natural-looking option, getting as close to the look and feel of natural teeth as possible. The experienced team at Smile Big Denture Clinic in Georgetown is here to guide you through this option and discuss if it might be right for you.

Helpful Tips for Wearing Full Dentures

  • When you are first adjusting to your Complete Dentures it may feel awkward or difficult to chew, but this will get better over time. As you adjust, stick to eating soft, easy-to-chew foods.
  • As you get more confident with your dentures, you can begin to experiment with more difficult foods.
  • Keep in mind that certain foods, including toffee, gum, and candy may always pose a challenge for denture wearers.
  • Be sure to speak with your Denturist if you experience ongoing difficulties eating or speaking with your Full Dentures. They will provide you with specific help for your situation.

Call us today to find out if you’re a good candidate for Full Dentures, how much they cost, the materials used, and more.

Let us help restore your big, healthy smile

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How much do Full Dentures cost?

The cost of Full Dentures varies from patient to patient. There are a number of factors to take into account, including how many teeth are on the denture, the materials used, and more. The best way to determine what your dentures will cost is to book a consultation with us today.

How many teeth are on Full Dentures?

A complete set of natural adult teeth has 32 teeth, but your denture may not have this many. However, Complete Dentures typically have at least 20 teeth. This ensures you can effectively eat, chew, and speak, while also creating the look of a full, healthy smile.